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Hi, I am Darbe Schlosser, the coach, consultant, & creator of the 4 step, Think & Move Well Framework & Brain Blast. I am here to help you improve motor & cognitive performance to reclaim control of your life.

In addition to developing the best strategies to overcome movement abnormalities within a highly variable disease, I also focus on improving the deliverance of these methods with consideration of movement history, movement goals, and individual constraints that impact learning and performance outcomes.

I believe there exists an interrelatedness between motor output and sounds such as natural and real time auditory signals. Understanding these relationships can better provide you with tools on how to break through mental and motor blocks and successfully deconstruct and reconstruct complex movement patterns.

Motorvation Mindset

A growth mindset cultivates the motivation and desire to learn and is influenced by mindfulness. I will teach you how to embrace being in the moment during movement to improve performance monitoring by detecting and adjusting to errors. Understanding how you are moving throughout the day during "On" verses "OFF" states will improve your ability to access the proper strategies for those fluctuating situations.

Kinesia Paradoxa

Kinesia paradoxa is the sudden and temporary ability of a person with Parkinson’s disease to perform a task he or she was previously unable to perform. You may have experienced this yourself briefly… catching a ball or stepping over a bright orange cone. One minute you cannot lift your foot off of the ground and the next minute you are stepping towards a crack in the cement. Visual cueing is beneficial, but it requires constant input that is not always readily available. I can help you find ways to evoke a cognitive anticipatory response where sound acts as a catalyst to drive more vigorous movement.


I will teach you how to modulate effort and how to control spatial and temporal parameters when moving between discrete and continuous attractor states. We will take any movement whether functional or sport related and learn it as a single movement. We will then produce the movement while on a loop during different tempo transformations. The ability to flexibly transition from a discrete movement pattern to one that is continuous directly addresses the sequencing effect in Parkinson's disease.







Place a movement sequence into a measure similar to a measure of music.
Break down points of contact that will effectively drive movement where there is impairment.
Connect a single syllable directive cue to each point of contact. Practice and perfect at 3 different tempos.
Implement the use of sounds and words that are congruent with goal directed motor behavior. Add variation in movement amplitude, creating rhythms.
advisory board.

We are a diverse group of professionals all sharing the same passion to help People with Parkinson’s build a life of movement, rediscover their inner athlete, and age successfully.

Darbe Schlosser

President / Founder

Growing up on 100 acres in the valley of Minot, North Dakota, I was gifted with space. Space to run, to jump and climb, and to explore how my body interacted with the environment and the world beneath my feet. I was my own coach and the uneven terrain I ran upon provided a level of unpredictability that bestowed upon me the feedback I needed to self-correct and to transfer learning and skill to multiple domains. Little did I know at the time; my life's passion and purpose were being built on the foundation of movement.

Read full biography

Nathan Ward

Lead Trainer, Patient Advisory Board

1st degree black belt in Karate, CES & CPT, Parkinson’s Advocate

Paul Cluff

Patient Advisory Board

Founder of Can't Shake Me

Kim Rotundo

Patient Advisory Board

5.0 ranked tennis player, PD advocate

Jim Kroeger

Patient Advisory Board

Founder of Rock Steady Chicago Il

Russ Parker

Patient Advisory Board

Corrective Exercise Specialist & PD advocate

Ned Neuhaus

Patient Advisory Board

Founder of Rock Steady Boxing Peoria Il, Founder of Row to Slow Parkinson's

Tatiana Mayorga

Patient Advisory Board

Ayuverdic Health Practioner

Michael Quaglia

Patient Advisory Board

Founder of YOPN Podcast

Trent Maclean

Patient Advisory Board

Founder of Ping Pong for Good

Dr. Zoltan Mari

Professional Advisory Board

Chair and Director for Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center

Dr. Merrill Landers

Professional Advisory Board

PT, DPT, PhD, OCS Chair and Professor of UNLV Department of Physical Therapy

Dr. Jimmy Pajuheshfar

Professional Advisory Board

DPT, Director of Physical Therapy and Balance Centers Las Vegas SE location

Lynda Mari

Mental Health Services

Masters in Mental Health Counseling from Johns Hopkins University, specializing in Parkinson’s Disease and Apathy

Darbe Schlosser

President / Founder

Growing up on 100 acres in the valley of Minot, North Dakota, I was gifted with space. Space to run, to jump and climb, and to explore how my body interacted with the environment and the world beneath my feet. I was my own coach and the uneven terrain I ran upon provided a level of unpredictability that bestowed upon me the feedback I needed to self-correct and to transfer learning and skill to multiple domains. Little did I know at the time; my life's passion and purpose were being built on the foundation of movement.

In 2014, I formed my company Motorvation USA, and began my entrepreneurial career as a trainer working with neurological disorders. These individuals were my very first teachers. They showed me that movement can be built and beautifully transformed out of the disruption of disease.

Over the past 7 years, I have administered nearly 5,000 hours of hands-on motor control training to People with Parkinson’s disease and have developed a system of methodologies to ameliorate symptoms of PD by increasing movement vigor. I’ve focused most of my attention on the underrepresented demographic of Postural Instability Gait Disturbance subtype (PIGD) as well as Freezing of Gait (FoG) and Parkinson’s disease with Dementia.

My empirical and exploratory work enlightened me regarding the many roadblocks impacting the biopsychosocial model of health and its effect on the trajectory of disease. Specifically, the ability to create adequate training protocols addressing Parkinson's disease within the context of all other co-occurring ailments. Transitioning from an exercise mindset to a training mindset that is more skill based so self-correction strategies can be used to promote learning initiatives that overcome pre existing coordination tendencies. Providing adequate training for movement professionals working with Parkinson’s to enhance their knowledge of what to look for when orchestrating group classes. Improving communication between MDS doctors and patients to prevent medication mismanagement as well as a model for care partner integration.

I want to create and implement programs that address these issues and I want to change policies that further fuel these issues. I want my voice to be heard so I can open doors to new and innovative ideas. I want to be a driver in the field of motor control and fall prevention research and I want to influence change at a global level by raising the expectations of what humans are capable of achieving through movement.