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Parkinson's disease

Mike R.

Training regimen
Individual and small group training 2-3x per week for 6 years consistently.
Movement history
Basketball player and Collegiate Women’s Basketball Coach.
  • Bradykinesia – Slowness of movement
  • Visualization / Mental imagery
  • Purposeful movements
  • Sitting to standing
  • Sciatica syndrome flare ups
  • Freezing of Gait
  • Increase movement velocity for an extended period of time while moving on a continuous cycle
  • Improve ability to move with purpose through mental imagery
  • Reduce the time it takes to get dressed
  • Improve weight transfer when sitting to standing
  • Reduce back pain
  • Develop and utilize strategies during freezing episodes
  • Build a multi-sensory relationship between sound and touch to overcome loss of subjective effort
  • Implement gesturing visual cues along with sounds that are congruent with goal directed motor behavior
  • Motorvation Methodologies & Better attentional strategies directing effort
  • Connect single syllable directive cues to the pelvis to improve mechanics of sitting to standing
  • Manual therapy with vibration as well as a physical therapy regimen
  • Develop strategies that work for him in relation to how freezing affects him and what initiates it
  • Noticeable improvement in controlling movement velocity
  • Enhanced awareness of his body’s interaction with the environment
  • Impressive shadowboxing and freestyle movement abilities requiring short durations of movement planning and quick reaction times
  • Sitting to standing effortlessly 50 times in a row
  • Eliminated back pain
  • Freezing episodes are much shorter. They have never led to a fall. He is able to get out of the freezes by implementing learned strategies.

Video documentation

Motor control training for PD. Increased effort, purposeful movements, moving on a cycle, perfect footwork.
A glimpse into Motorvation's methodologies for preventing falls.
Footwork is key in preventing falls. Being able to control the basketball while keeping the feet in position is fall prevention at its finest.
He couldn't make it to the rim at the free throw line. After a few min of learning about proper weight transfer on trajectory he swished it with a 3 pointer.
Processes the cue and turning it into a meaningful action.
I have been training with Darbe for 6 years. During this period I went through two open heart surgeries requiring 15 days of hospitalization. The effects of the surgery had little to no effect on my Parkinson's. The nurses commented that they never had a Parkinson's patient come through as good as I had. I credit Motorvation for all of my success in controlling my Parkinson's. I have greatly improved my agility, balance, coordination, mental awareness, reflexes, and overall motor skills. I recently began golfing regularly as well as cycling on my Peleton. Motorvation has kept me consistent and ahead of my disease trajectory.
Mike R.